Welcome to Godolphin
The community Website for Godolphin Cross, Cornwall
Welcome to Godolphin
The Community Website for Godolphin Cross, Cornwall

Godolphin Cross Community Association(CIO)
The objects of the CIO are:-
(a) to promote the benefit of the inhabitants of Godolphin Cross and the surrounding area (hereinafter called "the area of benefit") without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, nationality, age, disability, race or of political, religious or other opinions, by associating together the said inhabitants and the statutory authorities, voluntary and other organisations in a common effort to promote good health and wellbeing, advance education and to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and leisure-time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants; and
(b) to promote such other charitable purposes (charitable under English law) in the area of benefit as the trustees may from time to time be determined (from GCCA constitution)
Godolphin Cross Community Association (GCCA) was founded by local villagers in May 2013 to respond to local needs and extend the sense of community, harmony and cohesion seen during Xmas Lights festivities and occasional national celebrations. On 29th February 2016 we registered with the Charity Commission as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and in November 2017 purchased the Old Chapel from the Methodist Church having raised £100,000 as a result of a well supported local campaign. And whilst the Chapel has demanded a huge amount of attention this last 5 years we are still a village wide group interested in all aspects of life in Godolphin Cross - from improving road safety, spotlighting issues that need attention from Parish and Cornwall Council and generally keeping a watching eye on daily life and making it better for all.
As a CIO Godolphin Cross Community Association’s constitution enables us to serve the 700 or so inhabitants of the village and its environs. CIO status has required us to adopt an opt-in policy for membership to comply with record keeping regulations so anyone living or working in Godolphin Cross and surrounding hamlets can apply to the trustees for membership for which there is no fee.
The Trustees are all members of the Association and residents of the village (see the Trustee's page) and aside from monthly business meetings, the Association holds 2 public meetings a year (one in January and the AGM in July), other meetings can be called either by the Trustees or by members as required to respond to special issues.
The Association took a leap forward in 2016/17 in response to community demands to purchase the Old Chapel and a full £500,000 refurbishment was completed in 3 stages from January 2019 to April 2023. Simultaneously we have been filling the space with local groups and activities for all ages and so far have grown the original attendances from 2,500 to 12,000 each year. We like to think that every age, interest, ability and community is catered for - but there is always room for more and better opportunities.
Not only are we a charity we are also an employer (there are 9 people earning a part time living from the Chapel weekly) and we have a community trading arm which provides a means of trading and generating our own revenue aiming to ensure that the Old Chapel moves forward as an economically sustainable member led venture. We trade through hiring out our facilities to local people at reasonable rates, by running a licensed bar, by hosting and supporting a monthly Farmers' Market and selling tickets to a broad range of music and food events.
There's no doubt that we have done well during the first 10 years of the GCCA - but how the future pans out is very much up to local people of all ages, interests and abilities. What are you waiting for? Come and join the rest of the community at the Old Chapel the heart of the village!